Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Just like your mother-in-law going through your drawers

Terry Frank thought she couldn't be amazed again by the administration's shenanigans, but she is at Bredesen's Watergate:

But then lo and behold, I find that I am. Governor Bredesen has said what we’ve got here with this ole’ Highway Patrol stuff is just one “nosey” Highway Patrolman. Kind of like your mother in law just snooping through your drawers. Yeah, it ain’t nice, but heck, she’ll be heading back home soon. And the Governor, he’s just doing the best he can trying to clean this place up. You know, sometimes it just takes a little longer.

OK then. Let’s just move along.

Not hardly, Governor. Governor Bredesen’s record of being open and forthright isn’t stellar. In fact, stalling, shredding, cover-up have been seen before. I don’t mind trusting, but like many fine folks in the state who agree with me, we need to verify.

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