Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Will Tennesseans accept anything less than a federal investigation?

A letter writer in today's Nashville newspaper expresses what is no doubt the opinion of many Tennesseans:
The latest round of nonsense regarding the THP trooper that simply has far too much time on his hands combined with the recent ridiculous and simply childish behavior of Gov. Bredesen over his “Bunker at The Mansion” project only serves to reinforce the need for at least a TBI investigation if not an FBI investigation. Quite frankly, I am not sure that we can trust the TBI at this point, as there might be too many political connections there as well to safely use them to investigate.

Whatever happens, the THP must not be allowed to investigate themselves under any circumstances, period! The entire local media must push and force this to go to the FBI if at all possible. Since some of this likely qualifies as a federal offense (wire fraud, mail fraud, etc.) it should be able to fall under the jurisdiction of the FBI. Call me paranoid, but I will really only accept as satisfactory an investigation led by the FBI. Who knows, perhaps we could get this trumped up to the level of hate crime before it is done.

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